The criss angel lev. isn't all that great looking either. I made my own- cause I'm crafty like that and have the means to produce such a gimmick in my basement (even though it's criss angel, I'm not going to spoil the trick). For how much work goes into the trick, it's very nacky and angle sensitive. Elevator is another lev- also not great and also a disappointment upon opening the box.
I think the best levs I've seen are Skywalker or FLY but FLY is $1500. No levitation is worth $1500 bucks- especially being that I can tell you that I've furnished one in the basement also (had to go to a shoemaker to have it finalized but none the less...) Personally, I'd go with skywalker as it's no more than $35 and despite the fact that it's not the most comfortable levitation to wear, it does have great results and does not require a monster project before you're 3-5 inches off of the ground with feet separated, with a god 120 degrees of angle freedom.
Hope this helped,