Crystal Car Versions

I might be getting a gig at a resturaunt my friend works at, and he tells me lots of hicks and rednecks go there. so im trying to think of tricks that would work well in that situation. one trick in particular would be the crystal car trick (with cards and the car that stops at the card). but there isnt really any cool versions other than the lego version. is there versions using hotwheels or matchbox , or race cars (toy ones).
And along the redneck line, what tricks would be good for rednecks?
Apr 19, 2008
well to answer yoour first question on illusion through expectation theres an effect inspired by the crystal car where the spectator finds the card/s.

and theres also alot more cool stuff on it check it out.

hope this helps:D


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Camouflage cards Chris....ha ha.
Coin in Natty Light Beer Can...(kidding)
Cups and Lugnuts (might be a bit loud)
Do something with Shot gun shells.

Just messin' with ya Chris. Just do your normal magic that always blows people away.
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
I have no clue what RedNecks are like but generally cant you go and sit in the restaurant for a week and just check our what they bring or use? My image of a red neck is a shotgun, red cap, and corn.
I guess... you could buy a change cap? relate to them a bit more?
no idea.
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