Dan and Dave - Trick Variations

Sep 1, 2007
Edmonton, Canada
So since Dan and Dave came out with the trilogy about two years ago I have reworked a couple of their tricks to make them more angle freindly. Some of these just have small variations in the opening phases others have completely different methods accomplishing the same effect. The more advance card guys might be able to tell what I'm doing differently. Feel free to use these variations when you perform these tricks. Since I can't give tutorials it's just a performance clip. My voice is a bit low because I have a cold. And I just put this up so YouTube may not have fully uploaded it yet in that case just wait a moment. Also these arnt regular tricks I perform so the sleights may be a little bit rough in a couple places. But excuses aside please enjoy. Remember guys just because dandd do it a certain way. Doesn't mean you have to you can always put your own twist on it. Without further ado the clip.
Tell me what you think

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Sep 1, 2007
Edmonton, Canada
im sorry, but i didnt see improvements, but ways to make the tricks easier. And less effective, imo.

Yeah that's basically what I tried to do is simplify. I can still do Dan and daves original version but thought some of you guys would like to see these as far as improvements it depends who your audiance is if you do alot of corporate shows like me you have to have amazing angles and full proof tricks because you never know when somebody is looking over your shoulder. So that's what I had in mind when I did these. As far as less effective maybe da ja vu because you lose the sense of the pack being separated from the deck in this way maybe it's more magical in some aspects but you can do it standing up for walkaround without worrying about somebody touching it or the cards seperating and remember magic happens in the spectators mind alone so it doesn't matter how you get to the goal as long as you get there and I don't like to mix magic and flourishing that's why I feel these work better for me.I will admit though the get ready for card across is more awkward then the original.
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Jan 31, 2009
Instead of variations you really need to do some practicing. You flash way too much and the tricks aren't executed very well. Practice, you'll get better!


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2007
I thought it was good improvements. Dan and Dave's materials are amazing, but they have too much movements for my taste, and this video cuts them down. In my opinion this makes them appear more like magic. I liked it, keep up the good work.
Sep 1, 2007
Edmonton, Canada
Instead of variations you really need to do some practicing. You flash way too much and the tricks aren't executed very well. Practice, you'll get better!

I know I mentioned these arn't regular tricks and the slights are roughly done in my first post. I made the video not as performance but for you guys to help improve magic within are this community I would personally like to see more videos like this. Although I can't really beleived you bashed me over it I mean what have these forums come to even when you try to help or do somthing new and positive you get bashed over it. When you say I flash keep in mind the angle the camera was at. As for practice I havnt practiced these tricks for about a year except portal whitch I havnt done since it came out.
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Jan 31, 2009
I know I mentioned these arn't regular tricks and the slights are roughly done in my first post. I made the video not as performance but for you guys to help improve magic within are this community I would personally like to see more videos like this. Although I can't really beleived you bashed me over it I mean what have these forums come to even when you try to help or do somthing new and positive you get bashed over it. When you say I flash keep in mind the angle the camera was at. As for practice I havnt practiced these tricks for about a year except portal whitch I havnt done since it came out.

Bashing? I call it constructive criticism! If your going to put a poor video out there or any video for that manner you better expect good and bad reviews! And as a card magician get a thicker skin! Poorly done videos and as you pointed out, bad camera angles tip the method! Be careful of that next time! I do agree with you though that more people need to find ways of performing and executing effects that fit their style and not be D&D clones! By the way, D&D point this out in the Trilogy booklet!
Sep 1, 2007
Edmonton, Canada
I take criticism and bashing well I just wasn't expecting it on this thread. I'll keep in mind the camera angle for next time unfornately it seems you can't please everyone but if a couple people got somthing out of this I'm happy. As soon as this thread falls off this page the video WILL be taken down.

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