Daniel Madison - Burn

Dec 6, 2007
Knoxville, TN
I'm not going to bother writing a whole review of each effect and what not, but i just wanted to give a brief overview of the concepts on this ebook. This ebook takes the concept from his notes TWO and completes the idea all around.

The gaffs are relatively easy to make, just takes some time and practice. I sat down for about an hour and perfected the gaff making. Just took a couple tries. I personally think that this is his -best- ebook to date. (well next to the cheaters handbook)

It revolutionizes traditional card effects such as a two card transposition and combines it into something shocking. The ideas don't have to stop with just playing cards, use ESP symbols, popular names of people, you're unlimited. Combining this concept with Sean Fields "materialism" adds an extra kick of justice!

Personally, I'm not one for "hyped" up products or hype surrounding people, but I think that this ebook is very high quality. If you like the demo and can do the color changes he does and like it, then i'd say it's for you.

Overall it's actual card magic from Daniel Madison that you will use.

Dec 6, 2007
Knoxville, TN
Just to let you know, I performed a variation of this on the streets last night and it kills.
One of the strongest pieces of card magic out there!
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