Daniel Madison

Feb 18, 2010
So I've been looking at Daniel Madison's blog and website.. he's been saying that magic is dead to him, magic limits deception, etc..I don't understand. His stuff looks like magic to me. What is the difference between magic and the deception he is talking about?
Apr 6, 2010
DM has been in the Magic industry for 10 years, and he now wishes to return to his roots of gambling and deception.

He has a whole essay about him explaining why magic is dead to him, but in short he basically thinks that traditional magic and performance is too conventional and that it just doesnt suit him anymore.

His magic works are still all available and will not cease to be (i hope) but he states that to him there is no point continuing with his magic career because he feels he cant take it any further than he has already gone.

He is continuing with cardistry however.
Oct 13, 2008
I find it interesting that someone else has brought this up. DM is still putting out magic effects. His e-book Psycho, and his latest set of lecture notes, 4, are full of magic effects.

Though dropping the pursuit of magic in favour of gambling effects might be good for his soul, i suspect it's not nearly as good for his wallet, as Jason England has kind of cornered the market on producing quality instructional videos on the classic gambling sleights.

Frankly i fail to see why one should choose to be loyal to one or the other. How many of you have gambling effects built into your routines? Or have dallied with the idea from time to time? The man i mentioned, Jason England, is the man for gambling demonstrations yet he often talks about magic tricks and i suspect he can perform them very well indeed.

I appreciate DM's restrictions are self applied, but he's clearly a unique and individual thinker in the school of magic with playing cards. By rejecting the performance of magic in favour of gambling/deception/whatever, you serve only to bog yourself down in a certain style.
To then continue producing e-books on the subject of magic, you could also be in danger of being labelled a hypocrite.
If magic is not for you anymore, you walk away from it. Despite DM's claims that he can't take magic any further, he clearly is doing, as the list of effects from 4 sound splendid and i look forward to ordering it.

I notice from his blog that he recently came under fire for not displaying any of the gambling sleights he has moved his allegiance to.

Though i am an admirer of DM and his presentational style, i do wonder where he's going with all this, and how many more times he'll be stepping back into magic whilst apparently trying to move forward with the gambling sleights.
Mar 27, 2010
I dont know if u guys missed the point or i did. But from my understanding hes not doing magic anymore because he feels that the explication of "doing the impossible" just doesnt fit it anymore, instead he preffers to perform stuff that allow people to praise his skill instead of blaming it in "magic". At least that was what i understand. Not just "gambling" stuff
Dec 7, 2009
I read his whole explanation of why magic is "dead". What I personally think about what he is trying to tell us magicians that admire him is that well he is just in that "state" of I know magic, I have done magic, but that is not what i truly love kind of thing. I must say that it is pretty sad becuase he had a true and very explained way of what magic ment to him. He states on his "thoughts" that magic is not as fullfiling as it used to be. I will always admire him becuase he had a unique way of performing and had very powerfull effects!
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