So I'm doing an argumentative paper on Criss Angel vs David Blaine. The conclusion I've came to is that David Blaine is the far superior magician. My reasons are that he is the main reason guerrilla magic is popularized. Without him who knows if Criss Angel would have ever came up with the idea for the show mind freak. Another reason is the authenticity of the tricks. On many occasions Criss Angel has had accusations against him for using paid actors and camera tricks to make his magic more appealing (all of them were proven true). Not to say that David Blaine has not done the same before but there has never been reason to believe so. The main reason for this is that every trick that David does, if it's not done well, you can tell how he does it. He doesn't try to brush it up with cameras he just leaves it for people to see. Another thing to take into account is personality. There has never been a report of David doing anything questionable but on the other hand there has been many times where Criss has used offensive words or acted rudely in general. These are my arguments so its up to you to choose, Criss Angel or David Blaine.