David Blaine's Drowned Alive

Mar 16, 2014
In his tv special "Drowned Alive" David does a card thrice where he has a little girl see a card in half of the deck. When she looks through the deck again her card has vanished. David then takes the test of the cards from a spectator and reveals the bottom card which he says is the girls card. She says her card was the two of spades and David drops the pack in his hands so that it chatters into glass and leaves the girls chosen card on the ground.

I was wondering if anyone knows the name of this trick and where I could purchase it.
Any info is welcome


Elite Member
Oct 8, 2013
Oakton, Virginia
A lot of Blaine's material is not marketed and is made by his own creative team. Considering that having a deck that shatters into glass when it hits the floor is not only expensive but impractical as well (namely because many performers aren't willing to buy a new glass deck every time they perform the trick), I doubt it is on the market. If anyone can prove me otherwise, I would love to know if the effect is actually practical (perhaps the marketed trick doesn't require you to smash the gaff on the ground, and this is merely Blaine's adaptation of it).
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