Deadpool Card Stock


Elite Member
Nov 23, 2018
I'm just wondering if anyone opened Deadpool cards cause from my experience they feel nothing like other classic durable T11 USPCC card stock and more like a good bicycle stock. Also it's one of USPCC deck produced in modern days that didn't mention Country of Origin on the tuck so I have to rip em apart and make sure the design code printed inside its bottom. Did USPCC removed this requirement for tucks?


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
Hey Nguyen, USPC doesn't produce theory11 tucks (only the cards), but the Deadpool cards were produced on the same presses and paper as every other deck we've made at USPC. They should fan, spread, and faro perfectly!

If yours don't, definitely send a quick message to our support team to check into!
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