Deck Switch

Dec 1, 2008
Ottawa, Ontario
What I do:
Tuck box isn't involved in the switch. I have the extra deck sticking out of my pants in the back left, tight enough so it's held there fast until I need it. I angle my body so my left arm is almost completely obscured drop the current deck into my back pocket and grab the other one.

It's done quickly but naturally, and always offbeat and/or with misdirection.

It's probably been done, or something similar. It's pretty straightforward but it works awesome.

I use it to switch out the stripper deck.

If you heard it hear first and use it, credit please.
Jan 4, 2009
West Allis,WI
I remember a daily update received in my email discussing the idea of a deck switch and the many methods employed. It stated to not overcomplicate the switch, to make it a natural thing. For instance carry 2 decks with you, a normal everday deck, and a stacked deck, such as the Radar deck and or a deck consiting of the Si Stebbins setup. Have one of the stacked decks in the back pocket, proceed with a card effect with the regular deck, place it in your back pocket. Continue your routine involving other props other than cards....rubberbands...coins...mentalism...etc. Now when you wanna finish with your chosen effect or whatever that may be...go into your back pocket and reach for your stacked deck. Now this idea can be used if wearing a coat or jacket. But the layman should be none the wiser that you have another deck. Hope this helps :)
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