Distortion - Hiding the Gimmick

Apr 5, 2008
After performing this a few times I found that people can actually see the "gimmick." How can this be avoided. When I see Wayne do it on the dvd he does it slow and in their face however when I have done this they see the gimmick every time.

Any advice?
Sep 1, 2007
Cleveland, Ohio
Just watch your lighting. Create a shadow with your body then perform in that shadow, The light wont glint off of the gimmick that way. Other than watching your light, just keep the darn thing moving! And I dont mean shake it like a wild man, before you start the actual change just gesture with it while you talk. Then shake and change(I like to shake it quickly while changing so at first it almost looks like its just an optical illusion) then after the pips have moved completely slow the back and forth movement so they can see it actually changed but dont hold it still. Then move it to the deck for the index change. Ive never been busted and my gimmick is pretty shaky looking. Let me know if all that made sense!
Oct 3, 2007
Hello, Justin i will try to use the idea you say but in the video demo with wayne you see the girl look so close at the card... how she can't see it... and their's plenty of light or they give more contrast in edit... or it's me, need to clear my glasses :p

I will try to see if do the gimmick with more thin t______ perhaps an idea, any ideas?

Aug 31, 2007
Long Island/New York
I think that it's important while your shaking the card to talk to them and look them in the eye as if nothings about to happen, while your shaking the card, look down at it and make sure their looking. (which shouldn't be hard considering they will look where ever your looking)
Sep 1, 2007
I think the probleem prolly lies to your introduction in the start.
the human brain always try to make assumptions based on its memory, for one that has a clear image of the cards he will automaticly assume your gimmick as a normal card the next time he sees it by recalling the image even if it is bloody obvious that it is a gimmick for someone else without the prior knowledge. this has been proven to be true for me many many times.

also alot of the subtleties that were used by wayne were not taught explicitly in the video but if you watch closely u will notice. when u are giving instructions to someone (which he conditioned them to do so from the starT).
it is difficult for them to also notice the gimmick, in fact there were so many subtle misdirection wayne used during his performance when he is showing the gimmick in the open.

I have used this effect numerous times and never did anyone notice the gimmick, but yeh moving it all the time prolly helps, although i found that to be abit weird.
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