Distortion question

Jun 27, 2008
San Francisco
Well. I'm about to get Distortion but some people say that the gimmick doesn't last that long or they're off centered ..my question is how many gimmicks do i have to buy because the effect just kills.my other question is does the gimmick break easily or is it durable and lasts a long time?
Sep 2, 2007
Houston, TX
If you keep it in the case it comes in when your not using it, then youll be fine. I've had mine for 6 months, maybe more, and NEVER had any problems
ive gone 504 times lol yeah i keep count and mine is just now starting to wear out still good i would say get one extra gimmick because you will love this i do it at least once a day and it will freak people out ive made people run away screaming it is a very powerfull effect and well worth the money
Feb 28, 2008
Mine has yet to run out after a few months... however, this trick really pays for itself. People just feel the need to give you money after seeing this performed... I know a lot of people that like a similar trick called "Wow" but in my head it really doesn't look as good as this, plus this is a lot cheaper and comes with an awesome DVD.

I got off track... but yea, it takes a long time to wear out and will definitely pay for itself.

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
If you follow all of the instructions given in the DVD, and keep the gimmick in the case that it comes in, it should be fine. If you do these things, and just be careful with it, then it shuld last you a while.
However, on the off-chance that it doesn't, then replacement gimmicks are available through the suppoert center.

Hope that helps,
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