Do you express your feelings and yourself through your magic?

Dec 25, 2007
I express how I feel and what I think through my effects...I make the way I feel my magic, my art, so people can feel more connected to me whilst enjoying...does anyone else do this and if so how?
I do this by having similar effects in one whole routine and try and pin an emotion to it...then I can make it whatever I want....sometimes I mix these sometimes I dont....if you want a more in depth way of how I do this just ask but for now thats all i'm gunna write.
Dec 25, 2007
Magic is meant to pull the strings of emotion. It's how we connect with our audience. We must strike gold within our spectator's to evoke emotion. I think the best way to present yourself when performing IS to present every aspect of yourself that there is. You don't want to be something that you're not.

I advise you to read these threads!


holy crap man thanks heaps....i thought i had all my things sorted out...but thism is so much greater....thanks heaps man...i would like to know more about long you been doing magic for?
Jan 6, 2008
I've been doing it for over thirty. But it's not really about years, it's about hours - as in how many hours of those years you've spent actively working on it. I probably invested less than a thousand hours of those thirty years in magic. If you only practice three hours a day, you'll surpass my time in less than a year. Even now that it's on my mind, I probably spend less than 20 minutes a day actively practicing.
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