Do you like Books?

Oct 28, 2007
Not to upset anyone but am i the only one that does not like books?
I just hate them they are slightly confusing and too time consuming, of course this is completly opininated so don't get to mad (unless you really want to)
I'm just asking because I don't want to feel lonely:(
Sep 1, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Well you can't be staring at your TV for too long. Your eyes will melt. I saw it on the news (ironically, on TV). Books are great for when you get told off by your parents for watching too much TV. There is also a lot of great material you can only find in book.
Jan 6, 2008
Reading is a skill like any other: it takes practice. The more you do it, the better you get. The better you get, the more you like it.

Sort of like magic.

You can connect the dots, right?
why was my title changed? it was (!books! ROARRRR!!!!)

I think the new title is a bit more appropriate and people would understand it more.
If someone saw a thread called "!books! ROARRRR!!!!" they would be a bit turned off.

And also it keeps the forums a bit more organized and people would have more respect for them.

Just saying.
Hope this explains why,
Sep 1, 2007
yer i hate books they hurt my eyes and there hard to learn magic with them



Maybe you're right. Books are bad for your eyes. Not like staring at the screen of your computer for 12 hours straight in the dark at midnight...

...wait a minute...
Oct 6, 2007
Books have their pros and cons jsut like DVDs and video.

For example, in books, you can find really detailed explanation and some really useful information. However, they do tend to be more time consuming and 'annoying' for those who don't like reading.

DVDs are easier to watch and uses less energy. Then again, it is common for the teacher to leave out cruical information and detail when explaning things.

Dvds also can contain more things visually, i.e. better video explanation (all angles) the effect being performed by the teacher etc.

So some people prefer books over DVDs. Personally, I know that books conatin a vast amount of info. but DVDs are just easier for me.

Some things can only be found in books and not DVDs, and vice versa.
Books are harder to learn from and take time, but you can't always get everything spoon fed to you. I don't like to read. I still have many books on magic and force myself to read and get the info out of them I could take the easy way out and say "I'm a visual learner" and never buy books, but you never get anywhere without some effort.

So yes, you could say I like books. Even if you hate them you should definately read them. It will save you money, and give you so much more knowledge.

The upside to Dvd's though is that you can learn easier.

Also there are somethings in books that are not in Dvd's and vice-versa.
Sep 1, 2007
I prefer books over dvd-s. Most people are too lazy to read a book, so i have the advantage of having less-known methods in my hands plus books help me alot when it comes to creating my own effect.
Nov 8, 2007
Hate books? Man, some of you guys scare me. How are you going to learn anything aside from what other people tell you if you don't read? Do you have any idea how much knowledge you're separating yourself from by choosing not to read?

I love books. I can't imagine not reading regularly. I think my mind would melt (as I think most people who don't read have already experienced).

I'm trying to digest this, but it really just floors me that anyone would say they hate books. If you choose not read don't expect to ever have anything but an MTV-level education on anything, or to grow much as a human being, for the rest of your life.
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Sep 1, 2007
I love books. I have to go into book stores with caution because of the temptation to impulse buy. My last stop to Barnes & Noble was to get one book on filmmaking. I left with two books on filmmaking, a book on Japanese history, a book about wolves, and a journal that had a raw leather cover and parchment paper (so many things I can do with that!).

I always keep a copy of something on my nightstand. Lately, it's been a lot of HP Lovecraft and Robert E Howard, but there's also been some Neil Gaiman and Ray Bradbury on rotation.

In the last month alone, I've bought books on magic and performance theory, men's style, novels, history, entreneurship, DIY crafts, Goth culture, pick-up... It's like cocaine!

The only gripe I have about magic books is that sometimes the instructions are too convoluted and have a hard time describing complex actions. There really is no substitute for actually seeing it done.
Dec 2, 2007
Two things:

1. You "I hate books" kids are nutters.

2. Lovecraft is amazing(totally off topic).
Sep 9, 2007
I read alot (both magic and non-magic related), but when it comes to the mechanics of magic, I find the details hard to visualize. Erdnase was very good, but also very difficult.
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