Does anyone know how this was done?

Aug 25, 2014
Hi Guys

Where do you all think can I buy the effect that makes a good size coin appear and changes it to a strawberry like the way Yiri did at the times of 0:35 through 1:15 at and where do you think I can buy the secret to where I can bend the fork in all those ways Yiri did in the moment in 5:07 through 11:51? I'm just really curious to see if there is a possibility I could re-create the same illusion.

Sep 1, 2013
South Africa
It's tempting to say that the strawberry effect is a variation of Alchemy by Ben Seidman (sold here on theory11) however I could be wrong, as for the coin production he could just be using some heavy sleight of hand. I also could assume that he is also using a Self Bending Fork sold by Ellusionist.
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