Download or DVD?

Apr 24, 2010
Hi I was thinking about getting andthensome by dan and dave Buck. Im an impatient person, so I was thinking about getting the download. So I was wondering, are downloads as high def as one on one downloads? Is the DVD worth pay ing the shipping cost?
Sep 7, 2007
are downloads as high def as one on one downloads? Is the DVD worth pay ing the shipping cost?

Two part question:
No, the DVDs are not High Definition, they come on a standard DVD disc that plays in standard resolution.

The shipping cost, totally worth it! If you are international, it can't cost more then $10.00 to ship a DVD. Personally, if you are wanting to learn flourishes, the DVD is priceless.

Magic has a value, and its not monetary.

// Edit //

After reading their website, it says:
Everything was filmed in crystal clear HD

However, I don't think it displays in HD our home television. I could be wrong though.
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