Downloads showing in cart as DVDs?


Jul 16, 2011
I'm new here and I wanted to buy a few downloads to get me started. I bought Twitch and all went fine, but whenever I added Jason England's Double Lift, Tony Chang's DVR or Dan White's Card to Mouth, I was shown the DVD sign instead of the download one. Also, whenever I went into my cart, I was able to change the quantity, like it was a dvd. I'm pretty sure I would get the same effect with other downloads as well. Are they actually DVDs, or is it just a glitch? If they are, how can I get downloads instead or fix the glitch?

Thanks in Advance,


Elite Member
Aug 14, 2010
Welcome to the forums!! If you are new in the world of magic, you've found the best site to start from...

I think they look like DVDs because for the cart they are like DVDs... All the products look exactly the same for the system, so if you add a DL twice, you'll have to pay twice, but you'll get just one... Do you know what I mean?

Just add the DLs to he cart being careful to purchase just one of each. After that, everything should be fine!

Hope it helps! :)

P.S. If you need anything, just PM me and I'll try to help!



Jul 16, 2011
Thanks! I went through with the payment and everything went fine. Are there any other effects you'd recommend?
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