Drop shifts or Hops?

Feb 4, 2008
Some of you know that I am kind of new to gambling demos. I just started exploring Drop Shifts and Hops. Both techniques look really good and I will likely practice both but as an acedemic question. So, to you gambling gurus, which do you prefer and why? If no preference then what pros and cons do you see in these techniques? All stuff I will likely discover on my own but I thought I would ask the folks who have already played with these techniques. Thanks for any input.
Nov 29, 2008
Honestly, I don't think there is that much use for hops or drop shifts, at least for gambling demos. I mean if you are gonna do gambling demos, I think it's much more impressive to control four aces during a course of a whole shuffling and cutting sequence than it is to just reverse one cut. That's not always true, but that is what I have found. Also, the majority of hops I have seen are really unnatural from most angles. I have tried out a few, and found that in a gambling demo, you could really just do a pass in all honesty.
Feb 4, 2008
I actually plan on using it in a big riffle stacking/ace control sequence so I am not sure I understand the "reverse one cut" comment? That is exactly what I want to use it for. Reverse a spectators cut after I have controlled the aces.

Hops versus passes...thanks for that insight. Part of the reason for the question is that I just started working through Richard Turner's DVD. He makes everything look so good and easy that, for the inexperienced, it is hard to really see the pros and cons. Still, I would prefer a tabled to an in hands technique.I think the drop shifts look doable. Maybe I'll start there. Thanks for your advice.
Nov 29, 2008
Yeah man. I mean I thought you meant making a routine demonstrating just that. If you want to reverse a cut, its probably easier to set a brief or a crimp and try and force a cut. Or even if that doesn't work just cut to your crimp. Also, if you cover it correctly hte Charlie Miller spin pass is decent, and the Ping Pong shift out of Revelation is supposed to be one of th ebest.
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Feb 4, 2008
Okay thanks for those leads. I think I have a source on that spin pass. I'll check it out. Never heard of the ping pong pass? If I ever get revelation I'll be sure to look that up. Thank you very much.
Jun 10, 2010
Okay thanks for those leads. I think I have a source on that spin pass. I'll check it out. Never heard of the ping pong pass? If I ever get revelation I'll be sure to look that up. Thank you very much.


Great work on the Miller table pass, Colin gave it to me a while ago and it's really helpful - Not to mention pretty darn cheap for a download.

Ping pong shift has weird angles in my opinion, but Revelation is still worth picking up.
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