Duck Change

Jan 18, 2008
can someone pm me wit sum help i cant get the dam change to happen. i went back to my trilogy dvd and didnt really help much. is my finger postioning bad or **** iono. someone help plz
Sep 1, 2007
Edmonton, Canada
its just practice man. trial and error.
Dan and dave gives all you need to do it. im still working with the stupid change. im at a 30% success rate.
sorry i couldnt be of more help.
Hey addibs. When I first started learning the Duck Change, I couldn't do it very well either. I almost gave up.

What I did was hold the card closer to the edge than in the middle. This might be a bit hard to understand, but try to grip the card near its corners. Don't grip it right on the corners however.

When practicing, if the cards fly off, don't pick it up. Proceed with the next two cards and so on. This saves a lot of time.

The distance between the cards and the deck also matters. Don't position it too far from the deck.

Hope this helps!

Nov 18, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I think you answered your own question, addibs! Just like your sig says: "You try, you fail, you try, you fail; but the only true failure, is when you stop trying."

Keep on trying different finger positions! Of course, as mentioned above, make sure the deck isnt too fa away. Normally, right before I release the cards, the deck is about 4 or 5 inches away from my hand. My fingers are positioned at 1/4 of the card from the right.

Hope this helps!
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