E Card Clip or Card Guard


Elite Member
Jan 12, 2011
Im looking for a cheaper alternative to a $35 porper clip, and I'm interested in the Ellusionist Stainless Card Clip and the PenguinMagic Card Guard(The Card Guard Superior is out of stock). Have you guys tried these out and can you tell me which you like better?

EDIT: Also, will they hold slightly thicker decks like sentinels?


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
The E clips look amazing but in my honest opinion they do not do as good as of job as the porper clip. Sometimes in magic you get what you pay for. I would just spend the extra and get a Porper so you are not kicking yourself later.
I would not place sentinel in a clip cuz of the embossed box, if you want to u can.

Proper: it's a tight fit, u might have to use a little force to put it in and take it out of the clip.

other clip I provided: I'll fit in w/o any problem.
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