El Cambio Nada questions

How simple is this trick? Is it easy to figure out? And is it worth it to purchase it?

Basically if this is something that a laymen can figure I'm not really interested in it, i know i can see it on the sight but Eric Jones is a professional and I'm an amateur.


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
How simple is this trick? Is it easy to figure out? And is it worth it to purchase it?

Basically if this is something that a laymen can figure I'm not really interested in it, i know i can see it on the sight but Eric Jones is a professional and I'm an amateur.

El Cambio Nada is not an easy color change to get down immediately. However, if you want a very open and magical looking color change that doesn't need the deck, this is, indeed, for you. It will take a lot of practice to get the raw technique down, as well as timing everything, but if you have patience you shouldn't worry about it. The change is smooth and elegant, and is an awesome addition to your repertoire.

As with everything, if you practice it well enough and give it the attention it deserves, spectators will have no idea how you did it.

Hope this helps!

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
To verify what Casey said - it is not going to be easy, but it is beautiful. The change is something that feels very natural to a spectator who has seen you play with cards before. It is so simple looking that it can be nothing but magic. Give it a try, just know that you will be working on it for a while before you make jaws drop.

Hope this helps.

Jul 18, 2011
Check out the link in my sig, I did this move after purchasing El Cambio Nada, and someone said, is that a camera trick? So that says it all.


Jul 5, 2009
Longview, Texas
I guess I was the oddball but I had this down looking great after two minutes of seeing how it was done. Someone in our ring said, " If Gandalf were to change a card, it would look how you just did it."
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