
Sep 3, 2007
The Million Dollar Knot w/ Pet 2.0 is pretty good. The thread is really thin, though, which makes it more invisible, but it also makes it a bit weaker. The only way to describe it is that you'll have trouble performing the Haunted Pack with this. But it's not bad thread if you're just doing simple stuff like moving pens, etc.

I actually was moving a Sharpie once with this, and some guy got really close to the thread. He saw it, but it made it even more awesome, because he started yelling, "Oh my God! Something just shot out of his wrist onto the marker, and moved it!"

It was perfect. :D
Sep 2, 2007
Visalia, CA
I would recommend infinity thread. Now, I know its expensive but its worth it in the long run. This stuff can probably last your whole life! Its stronger, more elastic, and can be stripped (if you want) to make it even MORE invisible than Mesika's. Use this with million dollar knot and your gonna have the best out there.
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