Engineering gaffs


Dec 12, 2007
I have figured out how to peel typical 808 cards, and found the proper weight to get them flat, and the proper cure time, but am having some trouble with the glue.

I've tried Elmers white liquid, it was to stiff and didn't hold well.

Elmers glue-stick didn't even hold till I finished my first trick.

Any suggestions???
Oct 25, 2007
I have had the same problem before with this method.

Recently I came across a book that shows different methods of creating your own gaffs and it said you can use the gel type superglue because it holds better.

I've done this and it seems to work well, but I guess you also need to consider your general humidity level in your area.
Nov 22, 2007
Rubber cement is recommended because it is normally spirit-based, not water-based like regular elmers glue probably is
Sep 14, 2008
Hi, I have tried several glue types:
3M Scotch Glue Stick - Made money, papers, and cards stiff. This made gaffs too obvious.
Bostik BluStik - Blue in color and dries clear. This didn't make the things stiff. Cheap and works. Sticky for excess glue.
Elmer's Washable Shool Glue - Made money, papers, and cards stiff. This made gaffs too obvious.
Elmer's Washable Glue Gel - Made money, papers, and cards stiff. This made gaffs too obvious.
Elmer's Craft Bond Acid-Free No-Wrinkle Rubber Cement - The best of them all. Not messy. Just rub off any excess glue.

After testing various glues, rubber cement really stood out. And when creating gaffs, you can easily peel them if you make mistakes.

The problem is, some people have difficulty finding rubber cement. I think in UK it's called contact adhesive.
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