Expert Card Technique DVD supplement?

Apr 5, 2009
Hey Guys!

i've decided upon a system in which i buy a book on a mainstream branch of magic and a dvd that teaches similar things to accompany it.

ex: for coins i went with Modern Coin Magic and David Roths Expert Coin Magic Made easy.

and i'm looking at Expert Card Technique to follow up my copy of Royal Road to Card Magic. and i was wondering what DVDs you guys would recommend to order along with that book? i'm might be slightly more advanced than that book in some categories. but its right up my alley for most areas. so just looking for a video for some visual reference.

any pointers are welcome and appreciated as always!!

Feb 16, 2009
South Bend, IN
This is a hard question to answer, mainly because expert card technique is an incredibly dense book packed with sleights, utility moves and tricks. There must be very few people out there who have actually mastered everything in this book.

If you want a DVD supplement that covers many of the major elements of the book, I can suggest Allan Ackerman's eight DVD advanced card control series. I have the first seven DVDs and they are quite comprehensive. Keep in mind that Ackerman does reference many other later sources (mostly Marlo's work).

I have also heard good things about Daryl's encyclopedia of card sleights, which is another eight DVD set.
Oct 12, 2009
Navarre, Florida
I'd love to see all the answers to this question too. I have the book and its packed with so much stuff. I learn new (well, technically its very, very old but new to me) and amazing stuff every time I open it up. I feel like a lot of stuff in here is under a lot of new magicians' radars. They have this young whipper snapper syndrome where they don't think a move is good unless its taught in the latest dvds out.
Apr 5, 2009
so you guys think theres too much material to cover in that format? i have the first dvd in the ackerman series. i hope to finish it some day. but it is very comprehensive. i'll give these ideas a shot thanks guys!
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