Extreme Burn V 2.0

Aug 1, 2009
I already have purchased Extreme Burn a couple years ago. But now he has come out with 2.0. Is it worth it to buy a whole new DVD? So if anyone that has both could help me out than I'd really appreciate it!
Jan 30, 2010
Tusk, North Carolina
Maybe, is the best answer I can give you. The majority of things covered on EB 2.0 is simply the original. But I though He had an option on his website that would get you a good discount on the 2.0 goodness
Aug 6, 2008
Yeah I suggest you pick up 2.0 because it also has the improved lighter gimmick. But I was dissapointed about the "wallet" for extreme burn 2.0 like he said. It does not look like a regular wallet you would use, and it cant hold everything like the other can. I guess you could use other wallets if there... Yeah just pick up 2.0 its worth it for the new gimmick plus I think he has some extra changes, I'm not sure I forgot.
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