Falling Elevator Review - Rick Everhart


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Falling Elevator
Artist:Bizau Vasile Cristian
Produced by: Paper Crane Magic although the footage was shot elsewhere while on a couch
Format: Instant Download
Run Time: 14 minutes
Price: $7.95 For me the price seemed a bit high, should have been around $5.95

Link: http://www.papercranemagic.com/fallingelevator.htm

Falling Elevator is a way to take a spectator's free selection, place it on top of the deck, out jogged an at an angle, and with a wave of the hand, the audience sees their card fall deeper into the deck. Another wave takes it even deeper and finally it ends up at the bottom. Or...did it actually rise to the top of the deck? There is a nice little kicker at the end that fools the audience into thinking otherwise.

This would be a great addition to anyone's ACR.

The video starts out with multiple shots of "Falling Elevator" being executed quite well and then on to the instruction.

You will need a good DL and know how to half pass a single card as well as almost a full deck throughout this routine.
The bigger motion of the waving hand covers the smaller sleight being executed to make the card change location. From the camera shot and angle it looks great, but I doubt you are going to have spectators ONLY on your one side or you are going to have to turn your body some. I was not a fan of this because I hate bad angles and want effects that you can nearly be surrounded.

This is angle sensitive and is going to take hours upon hours upon days to get down smoothly. I can't even imagine how much time is invested to get it where Bizau has it. Major props to him.

Bizau goes on to tell you that finger and hand placement will depend upon the size of your hands. He recommends a lot of practice in front of a mirror.

Also taught in this download is the Choke Sleight. Watch out people...this thing is advanced and flashes like crazy if not done correctly. Ouch...definitely not for me, but you move monkeys who have tons of time on your hands and never put a deck down will probably get it down eventually.

The Choke Sleight can be used as a way to take a top card to the bottom and reverse it or it can be used as a color change.

This download didn't do much for me mainly because I have no ambition to put the amount of time required into mastering this, however I enjoyed watching and learning how to perform this. I honestly have no intention of even trying it.

If you are looking for something moderately difficult to advanced for you move monkeys, this is it. Give it a try. If cards aren't your primary weapon in your arsenal, save yourself the commitment and go grab your silks.
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