False Cut Battle (Interested?)

Jul 12, 2008
Anyone who's interested, I'm interested in having a false cut battle. I'm sure you're interested as it will be very interesting. Any deadline is fine and you've got to let me win...(jk) erm... message me to discuss rules etc.
I'm sure you're interested...
I know I am.
Sep 1, 2007
I have some questions.

do you mean 100% false or just top card retained? Also, I assume it must be original? And only one cut in the video?
Jul 12, 2008
I was thinking of doing as many flase cuts as you like (within reason) but if you can put in transitions aswell that would be better. I've kind of already got a battle for it now though sorry guys. I could have another one straight after I suppose - would I be allowed to use the same video do you think? Oh and APassivePoke - it has to be 100% false - full deck retention.
Oct 6, 2007
my world of magic
@The Wordsmith
hm, for me it's oke to use a same video that you already use..
but what the fun of it??
for me
this battle is about creating new effects, new skill...each time
i don't really care about winning or lossing tho..

i love false cut, n i do really mean LOVE...
each false cut video that others member post, i always can get something new out of it...
that's the fun for me...
Jul 12, 2008
I'm not sure about any of this stuff to be honest because I think I've already got the battle now. I could challenge you white_lynx86, afterwards with the same video I guess, but I'm not sure. I'll get back to you all, but if you see my battle - it's my first one so... erm... vote! :D
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