Favorite Ways to reveal a sandwhich effect

Hey everyone.

Just a random question I came up with.

What are your favorite ways to reveal a sandwhich effect.

My top three are:

1- The second phase of Bill Goodwin's "Triad (Dan and Dave On Demand) because it goes perfect with a steal I created.

2- Have the spectator riffle or dribble the deck.

3- Have the card "fly" inbetween the two cards like in Eric Jones' Ishkabibble Sandwhich.

Post your Favorites and a reason why.
Oct 18, 2008
like you, I enjoy eric jones' reveal in the ishkabibble sandwich, but possibly my favorite that I use so far would have to be where you push the two sandwich cards with the card in between like in subway by dan and dave.
Jun 8, 2009
My favorite sandwich by far is Daniel Garcia's White or Wheat from his 3-part DVD series "Daniel Garcia Project". It's stylish, looks completely impossible to the audience and as a bonus it also teaches a neat card control move (the ego slip).

I'm still trying to get the moves down, but as soon as I do, I'm pretty I'll be performing this. It's a simple no nonsense reveal, but because the spectator examined the cards and because it literally appears without you touching the sandwich...
Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
I prefer something that happens in the spectators hands.

Look at Ben Earl's two collectors routines even though the first one is ridiculously visual and looks almost like real magic in Ben's hands however to spectators, the second version to the spectators is so much more surprising.

It seems that to magicians now days it is more about making something visual and overly flashy. The spectators do respect this as a talent and can easily come off as the magician showing off. If you look at something like Sow by the Lug or the original Shuffling Lesson. It comes off as the magician showing off, only to have the spectator beat you.
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