Favourite Card Controls?

Aug 2, 2010
Hey all,

This is my first thread, so I thought i'd start with something nice and casual...

I was wondering what your top 3 controls were?

mine would be:

1. Orbit Control
2. Death to the Double Undercut
3. Miller Cascade Control

<for the record and in good faith i WILL NOT use other people's controls that they care to name. I have a good, working reprtoire that i would prefer to stick with>

Looking forward to everyone's opinions :)
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Oct 29, 2009
Just around
Hey kaixboi! Welcome to the forums!

My favorite control at the moment is the Spread pass (Chad's spread pass). Easy, efficient, invisible, burnable, good angles...yea, it's awesome. I even use it as a color change, which looks terrific.

I'll have to check out the Orbit Control. Definitely something I want to get eventually.
Apr 20, 2010
Any pass (spread, riffle), the orbit control, TPC-to-palm-to-plant. I probably use the orbit control the most because of it's simplicity and deceptiveness.
Nov 15, 2007
Raleigh, NC
Side Steal
Spread Control that I've been messing with
Overhand Shuffle control (all of the different variations)

I'm working on my spread pass as well, one I will probably use a lot.
May 10, 2010
My favourites would be the Spread Pass and the Orbit Control. Especially the latter, which is invisible 360 degrees, really a great control even when you have a large group of people burning your hands with their eyes.
Aug 8, 2010
i don't have the control i use most. Every time i try some new control, just for practice, even if i think it's not handy or i think i do it not perfectly.
But if you ask about my favorite, i am in love with different kinds of bluff passes (that control card second from the top). I'm a big lover of those.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
I use/need very few controls. On the rare occasion I do, it's usually an effect specific control. I don't think I have a single trick where a traditional card control is used. Nonetheless, my favourites would be the Distortion Pass, the Midnight Shift, and Mike's Move, to name a few.
Mar 13, 2009
Copenhagen, Denmark
Mine favorite is without a doubt The Miller Cascade with the added touches from Dan and Dave.

I also use a cull, spread pass or even a double undercut depending on what I'm doing. I'm working on a classic pass however nowhere near performance ready.

May 19, 2010
I usually use the DMB spread control, a control I invented(I think),and flip flop plop because it is so simple yet effective.
It amazes me how majority of your favorite controls come from a 1-on-1 or a dvd. It kind of goes to show how little people really look for something that suits their style of magic. I mean look at it this way, if you only look at the handful of moves that are explained over videos and on demands, how are you to know if there is not a better control out there waiting for you. I guess my point is stop limiting yourselves to to what is instantly available. Books have a wealth of knowledge, and some of the best controls and sleights can be found in books. Where do you think these on demands come from? They are pulled from books or lecture notes.

Now to answer the question, my favorite control is Ernest Earick's Convincing Control, because it is so convincing when done correctly.


Feb 9, 2010
Well, I would have to say that I like the side slip. The predecessor to the side steal. I only use it because I have never read a book that has explained the side steal in detail. I wish I could though.
Card collage 3(i think) has a very detailed explanation of the side steal. It is actually the reason I got the book, but there is a hell of a lot more vital information in there than just a side steal.


Feb 9, 2010
Card collage 3(i think) has a very detailed explanation of the side steal. It is actually the reason I got the book, but there is a hell of a lot more vital information in there than just a side steal.

Oh thanks.

I meant that I knew where to find it but just never had the chance to buy any of the books but I suppose I didn't state that. Thanks though.
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