Hey everyone my Dad found a shell coin or something of the sort made out of a quarter years back. Now just getting into coin magic I've know what it is, but there's only one question I have. I know that some of the shell coins or I guess the expanded shell coins are used to cover up another one by placing it over it. The only problem is this coins is slightly smaller than all the quarters I tried to do it with, and all other coins are to small to fit on it. The only other thing I think it could be used for is the Raven or M5 or something, but I'm not sure. So I'm wondering if yall could tell me what the point of having a shelled quarter that is to small to cover another quarter is used for. The only other idea I have is the creator realized it did'nt work and just spent it haha, but then again I'm just staring coin magic as well as flourshing so sorry if this is a dumb question.