First post on Theory11 - New Cardistry Video

Aug 14, 2014
It's Mockingbird Phase 1 by Daren

Sorry if this sounds sort of vague, but there's a move I always see in cardistry videos where it looks like a set up for the werm but instead its five packets and in one packet the card is being pushed out into another, and it's a continuous motion so it looks like it's going on circles. Do you know what I'm talking about? Again, I'm really sorry on how vague that sounded.
Aug 14, 2014

I lied about it being a five packet flourish, it's actually four. In this video, if you fast forward to 2:13, that's the move I'm talking about. I've always wanted to know what is it and learn it.
Jan 29, 2015

I lied about it being a five packet flourish, it's actually four. In this video, if you fast forward to 2:13, that's the move I'm talking about. I've always wanted to know what is it and learn it.
That's cylinder by Andri Jikh! You can find it on the market for 5.95
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