Flash Pass?

Feb 5, 2008
I was recently informed of a pass called, " the flash pass."

I was curious if any of you have heard of it or know of any sources that teach it.


Nov 6, 2007
lmao you guys are funny.

Anyhow I haven't heard of the flash pass. Where did you hear of this pass from? Are your sources reliable?

I just recently picked up a book on some of Jennings' stuff and there's a very intriguing pass in there. I'm working hard to perfect it considering I've never seen it done before and it could be a great magician fooler. :D
Search over MVD, you'll see it done badly by a member there ( he "flashes" the move :p ). Can't say if its has merits to be added as a version of the pass, but since I don't know the excat handling I can't comment on this issue.
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Sep 1, 2007
If its the same one I'm thinking of there was a big hoo haa over at the Ellusionist forums years ago when one of the members there came up with the move. Its ultimately a poor man's version of Druan's "Midnight Shift" which is an exceptionally good pass.
Feb 5, 2008
Thanks for the info. I was just curious because somebody said my pass looks like a "flash pass". He couldn't speak a lot of English, so he may have been reffering to me not flashing.
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