A flourishing video. I am a biggener, so keep the bashing to a minimum. Constructive critisizm is nice.
I have one piece of advice for you. Get a hair cut!
Wow thats pretty good for 3 months. I'm like 6 months into flourishing and i dont dare make a flourishing video yet.
intro was cool, a bit different being outside and all. spring was an abomination that probably should have been in the bloopers. cuts were good. except.... you did "fanflip" like 8 times it got a bit repetitive. bloopers section was funny (hope you had fun picking up those cards in the yard) filming was good, props to your sister. haircut was ... AWESOME! all in all it could have been alot worse for only a couple months, just try to work on some original stuff maybe for the next one. 2 stars from me dogg. no bashing to n00bs. just keep practicing.
You need a new cam. The moves were pretty sloppy from what I can see. I really didn't see much originality. Most of your moves ended up with a flipback fan thing.
I also agree with the haircut. I'm not bashing the way you want to look or your hair style or anything of that sort. It's just that I thought you were a chick at the first 3 seconds of the video.