Flustration Count Alternative

Mar 9, 2009
Hey guys,

i've never been 100% convinced by the deceptivness of the flustration count (or the rumba count). does anyone know an alternative count or display that achieves the same thing (i.e. a count that shows a small packet of cards as all alike, even tho the packet contains only one of that card) ?

Apr 28, 2008
A good alternative might be a diminishing lift sequence. I never use the flushtration count by itself, I use it as a convincer. I've never had any problems with it as long as I do it smoothly and relatively quickly. I also do it while talking so the spectators attention isn't completely focused on the count, they'll see the same card but shouldn't be focused on the packet enough to work out where i'm taking the cards from.
Mar 9, 2009
Thanks everyone for your replys. its all stuff that i will look into. i've used the flustration count a lot in the past, but have been recently doing more packet tricks, and although its a wonderful move, i have been on the hunt for an alternative handling or another move. i love the flow of the display, quick and seemingly simple. i've also used the 'kiss count' by Boris Wild if anyone is interested. very similar but a bit flashier and uses a table. anyway, thanks again for the comments :p
Sep 1, 2007
The classic combo is a diminishing lift sequence followed by a flushtration count. If it aint broke, don't fix it! Having said that...

Another sleight that achieves the same result as the flushtration count is the orion count - its pretty deceptive but a bi more "flourishy" - but then again, there's no reason why that has to be a bad thing.

Sep 1, 2007
The Flustration Count has never done me wrong, it is a faithful sleight in my repertoire. Like others have said, your lay spectator won't know exactly what's happening, and even if they did know a little magic, a proper Flustration Count would throw them off too, it's not exactly as mainstream as a Double Lift. I think it tends to look more natural than the Kiss Count though, which is a beautiful count by the way. Anyways, just my thoughts.


Elite Member
Sep 1, 2007
Houston, TX
I have to agree with Shodan. The orion count is elegant as hell and takes the place of any flustration type count in my repertoire. It is not too flourishy....just pretty. I believe Yves Domergue is the creator of this count...please correct me if I am wrong. Because of the style of the count, it seems to have one extra layer of deception to it than the standard flustration count and is done completely in the hands...no table needed.

Mar 9, 2009
i think this thread is beginning to prove that your choice of count is dependant on the context of the move within the trick as a whole and its suitability to the overall style of performer. More importantly, selecting an appropriate count that suits the pace and flow of the handling in general. As already stated, the flustration count in its simplest form can be used to great effect 'as a convincer', when combined with a diminishing lift sequence or similar. Although this is true, as a personal preference, i find this combination to be quite awkward to view and feel it is instantly suspicious because the sleight does not mirror the real way in which a small packet of cards would be casually displayed as all-alike. if you are a flourishy performer then the 'Orion' or 'Kiss' count might look right within your performance but in truth is still suspicious looking in my opinion. the tabled flustration variation in the Denis Behr video earlier in the thread, is perhaps the most convincing i have seen. it is haphazard enough to seem as if the cards are being displayed in a 'non move' kind of way. i find that generally if a move is finessed to look a little sloppy then somehow it becomes more convincing. Lennart Green's performance values being a prime example. With his own 'Swede's deal' being perhaps the most convincing 'all-alike display' there is!
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