Forum settings question

Sep 2, 2007
I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonably explanation for this, but why is it that regular users are allowed to have profile pictures, but not avatars? Hardly anybody ever sees profile pictures, but avatars would show up with each post and help to more readily identify the user who has posted. Why don't we have them? Is it a bandwidth thing?
I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonably explanation for this, but why is it that regular users are allowed to have profile pictures, but not avatars? Hardly anybody ever sees profile pictures, but avatars would show up with each post and help to more readily identify the user who has posted. Why don't we have them? Is it a bandwidth thing?

I reckon that avatars will make the forums look more messy, Ive been on so many different forums with avatars and there just so ....(insert word here that I cant think of).....

Plus I really dont want to waste broadband downloading everyones animated Avatars. Also the forums would take for ever to load for some one who is on dial up (aka me until the 26th)

I like the forums how they are at the moment.

Cheers, Tom

The Dark Angel

forum moderator / t11
Sep 1, 2007
Denver, Colorado
I believe that Jon Raiker said it the best when he said:

Currently avatars are solely for official staff. Helps distinguish us easily from the rest of you guys, so you know when you're getting a message directly from T11. I'll let you know if and when avatars become available to all users.

Hope this helps!
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