Four Quarters - Magick Balay - New York Magic Project

Dec 1, 2012
Creator: Magick Balay
Publisher: New York Magic Project
MSRP: $ 25
Skill Level: Intermediate
DVD Run time: 34 minutes

Type of effect: Dollar Bill Transformation

Manufacturer's Write Up

The New York Magic Project is proud to bring you Four Quarters, Magick's take on the classic Mismade Bill effect. You borrow a dollar bill from an audience member. At the tips of your fingers, with the audience carefully studying your every move, the bill is folded into a small packet. When the bill is unfolded, it has turned inside out! The audience can examine the bill. You then re-fold the bill and return it to its original state. How accurate is the ad copy? Pretty straight forward, no funny business here.

What's in the box? You get the DVD and one US Currency Mismade Bill

Key points:

Overly in-depth teaching

authentic currency

You will need a standard one dollar bill and a "secret" utility most magicians have

Also included are two little "quicky" finger tricks

How are the production values:

Magick gives you a straight on shot and an over the shoulder shot in his teaching, this is such a fast effect, but Magick goes over everything you need to know. Live "street" performances, including a "magician's view" live performance.

Is it well made: The Bill is authentic US currency cut to the same size as a standard bill

Is it well taught: I assumed it was done the way he did it, but what I didn't know was "when" it happened.I first saw Copperfield do the $100 bill switch on his 11th special where he escaped from an imploding building. The bill switch is a John Lovick routine included in his massive book SWITCH.Magick gives credit where credit is due, everywhere he can! He teaches his own version of the switch and he gives you all the details you need.

My thoughts (what I personally liked/disliked): Magick is just a fun guy to listen to and to watch peform, you can't help but be taken in by his good nature and smooth performance, this is one of those DVDs that is fun to learn from AND watch.

Storage? Does it "pack flat?" Carry your mismade bill and "utility" on your person all day long, it doesn't pack much flatter than this.

Does it "play big?" Even your uncle does a trick with a one dollar bill, but how many people have ever seen a bill fold itself inside out? Use this trick with the mismade, or to turn 1s to 100s or to turn US currency into foreign.

How practical is this in the real world? (can it really be done?) Absolutely, this is the perfect effect for walk-around or for when someone says "show me a trick."

Overall score: 10/10

+ If you want to see my full review with even more of my opinions and ideas you can visit this link:
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