Freezer Burn - Full Pre-review
I posted this on themagiccafe, but seeing as the creator frequents here I thought i'd post it here also.
Effect: Freezer Burn
Performer/Creator: Chris Lafferty
Format: PDF Manuscript
Price: TBA
What is Freezer Burn -
This material is focused solely on the utilization of ice, something which has so much potential for creating an amazing and shocking experience, yet only few have really took it on with a passion... welcome to Chris Lafferty... welcome to Freezer Burn.
The pdf manuscript -
To begin with I will go over the actual pdf manuscript itself, which is 16 pages in length. Their are no pictures throughout, though the explanations are easy to understand and do cover everything well enough so that you understand what's supposed to be happening at any given time.
The actual cover/front page looks just beautiful, very well designed and put together, great work on that.
It's easy to read, not cluttered or fussy, and well explained.
Good job... I've seen a lot better as far as the insides go, but this accomplishes everything it needs to and does so well.
The effects -
The transformation of water into ice... you take a small amount of water from someones glass/bottle/cup, this is poured into your hand, then you slowly close your fingers around the puddle and blow... you slowly open your fingers and the water has become a solid lump of ice.
Turning water into ice is something that I have always had an interest in, and have played with various ways of achieving various things in this regard. The simple and direct act of having water change there and then into ice is an incredible effect, and one that many will never forget.
Water and ice is something that everyone is fully aware of, we know how water acts and what to expect from it, the same with ice, and so to take someones water and right in front of them have it solidify into ice is powerful stuff.
This is about as simple and direct as it gets and takes no time at all to perform, it's as quick as pour a tad of water into your hand, blow, and then reveal... all of about 20-30 seconds. It's this directness and simplicity which makes it good, no faffing about, no overlong procedures, just the magical act of taking their water and having it transform into solid ice.
Now the method will not really be surprising to many as it's the kind of thing you'd very likely come to yourself if you wanted to achieve the same thing, I know I have used similar, but really the method is not important here, it's the performance and fluidity of it all. The method does exactly what you want it to, it allows for you to transform their water into ice. It's simple and easy and so is very workable in the right environment... if you work in restraunts/clubs then this is something that you could get a LOT of use out of. Now saying that, you could use this in other situations, but you'd have a time limit as to how long you can go without performing before you'd be unable to use it, but depending on your surroundings you may be able to reset without too much effort... perhaps.
The method is workable, though does have it's limitations, but workers of certain environments will have something that'll play very well.
Difficulty -
This is not difficult at all, as long as your set-up and their are drinks around your good to go, and most will easily be able to do what's required. I really cannot see anyoe having trouble with this, it's just so simple.
Pros -
The effect of transforming water into ice.
Easy and simple.
Good handling.
Actual ice.
Cons -
Limit as to where you will be able to perform unless it's a one shot thing.
Limited amount of time you can go around set-up, then will need to reset.
Some thoughts on how it played in performance -
I knew it'd play well as I have been doing a similar effect for a while, but I did put this version to the test and it really did go well. I like how direct it is, and the look on the specs faces as you slowly begin opening your hand is really great to see, excellent stuff.
I found the workings to be very natural and easy to do, you don't have to think about what's happening and you can just put all your focus into making the moment special.
Overall -
Chill! is a nice addition and is a good handling for having water turn to ice within your hands.