Funny Little Story


Jake Samways

Hey Guys

Not even really a story, just found it quite amusing.

I did a little magic with my friend last Friday afternoon.
I only did a bit because we went BMX'ing and I only did a few simple Transpo's before I headed home.

Anyway I did, I little variation of a new Transpo I've been working on.

Go as follows; Spectator selects a card and holds it face up in there hand.
Another spectator or the same spec selects another card.
I then proceed to tell them to turn there card face down, I wave the second card face up below there card at a medium speed.
Couple waves go past then another wave and now I have there card, the card is still face up as well, and now they have my card (the second chosen card).
Works as a color change to with a little twist.

Anyway today In English was the first time I've talked to him this week and he says to me.

“I’ve been racking my brain over that trick, you did Friday arvo, and it seemed just too impossible. Do you use electronic cards?"

Yeah electronic cards was his *logical* explanation to it all, and he was dead set on that method.

Anyway hope you enjoyed my little tale.
Talk soon.

Oct 8, 2007
Yeah, every spectator think it's magnets, strings, or "You're lifting up two cards!" They thought it was magnets when I did the coin bite lol.
Dec 2, 2007
I actually had a routine based around the idea of a "new expensive electric deck" it was pretty neat. In the end I gave the cards to the spec and told them to try it. Most fun I've ever had, watching people trying to work an "electric deck"
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