Gaff Battle: Ready to Vote

Jan 28, 2009
Cringe got my vote largely because he actually performed for people rather than a camera thus proving that the trick worked for the audience he was using it on. (Which is the acid test imo for any gaff.)


Yeah i gotta go Cringe on this one. Love that effect and your performance was great....and it was for real people.
Apr 27, 2008
Yes, and amongst that Cringe;

When you take back the card, don't say 'I want you to put it back in the deck' if they are not actually putting it back in the deck :rolleyes: At least, that's what I think I heard.

Also, slow down. You went way too fast. Place the card in the middle, fan it, let someone push it into the middle. Let someone rub their finger on the 9 with the sprawled ink, ask them if it's real ink. Theres quite a bit to work on ;) - build up for the climax!

Great that they were real people, by the way. Unless they were all camera effects. You cheap Criss...

jk :p

May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Cringe got my vote.
I honesty dont give a rats a if he did it for live people or not.
But he still did better
Simple effect, direct, straightforward, good. As gustav has said, you rushed and taken away from the potential climax. Slow it down. Other than that, the only other thing which bothered me was the extremely large thumb pull up to get the break.

A good effect on its own, but
1. Get a better angle. I dont mind not a HD camera, but it was basically jammed right up there in our face.
2. You slowed the effect down. With all the counting and everything. You got the patter and everything, but youre opposite of Cringe. Speed it up, get to the point.
3. I didnt find the trick climatic enough.
Dec 16, 2008
Austin, TX
I enjoyed Jakes, mostly because I had never seen the trick before, but it also seemed like a fun trick. You did go a bit too slow, however. I didn't mind it much, but I could see an audience losing interest. Also, the way you forced the card was very obvious (at least to me) because the spread had a major break. Still was cool.

I had to go with Cringe though, sorry, cause his was smoother and better performed IMO. I don't care that he performed for real people, cause that really shouldn't matter in a battle. Though it was fun hearing peoples expressions :p
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