No offense, but I would not be considering putting together a poker demo until you get together your techniques.
If you had already started working on:
second deal, (face down or stud, 1 handed deals, normal deals)
bottom deal,
center deal (if needed but not really)
stack shuffling (A MUST)
mucking (if you have 9 years to devote to learning it)
on-the-table passes
then, you would already know how to put together a poker demo.
If you want to start off though, begin with a 4 ace production, done in a "cutting of the deck," type of manner, nothing flourishy, because you are mixing genres in a negative way. Proceed to show them how to do a false shuffling routine with the aces remaining on top. Tell them that this wont help though, because if you keep the 4 aces on top, they will be dealt out. So you do another round of false shuffling but this time keeping them on the bottom, and you bottom deal. You can divulge this information later in many ways, but you should work that out yourself.
You can claim that sometimes you only need to control one card, so you can do a second deal routine, and show off by doing it with one hand while drinking a coke/beer, etc...
Finally, you can do a stack shuffling routine, but again, work the presenation out yourself. Gotta make it original somehow right?