Gambling demo

Aug 18, 2013
I was wondering if anybody had any advice on how to structure a Gambling demo (i.e. how should I make it entertaining and how to properly routine it) any help would be greatly appreciated.

Jul 13, 2010
You should get his book "Confident Deceptions". Beside "Best for Last" you´ll find other strong gambling routines (but not only gambling stuff) in the book. My favorite book of 2013 so far.
Aug 18, 2013
Maybe...Its does look pretty good. However thats probably not something I would do, I am not a huge fan of pseudo gambling moves or stacked deck gambling routines. Even though "Best for Last" does not really fall into either of these categories I would still not end up performing it. A few things just kind of don't click with me, and I am somewhat picky (Which is a pretty bad thing, I have missed some very very good routines/effects just because of that).
May 2, 2010
New York, New York
When Structuring a Gambling routine I suggest you keep it short and to the point. Astound them and leave a lasting impression on them. To many try to show too much gambling stuff in one setting. I was one of them. After learning new moves and routines I would just cram them in there. My audiences would be wowed then by going on for too long they would be like "oh that cool".

I stick to 3 things in my gambling demos. A shuffle tracking demo with locator card talk, false dealing (second, Center, Bottom and Greek) and finish with a 3 card monte. It would last 10 min tops if I take it at a very slow pace.

Good balance is key. Be informative, a bit mysterious but don't go to far where you would make your audience feel stupid or come across as a wise ass etc.

I would suggest getting Darwin Ortiz's Strong Magic for theory and structure.
Aug 18, 2013
Thanks! That was somewhat I was thinking. I was planning on starting with a slug control, slug retained on top, controlled to the bottom, then retained on the bottom. Followed by a demonstration of second and bottom dealing. Ending with either Jack Carpenter's "Royal Faststack" from Modus Operandi (P.99), or three card monte ( either Vernon's classic routine or Lee Asher's "Catch 33)".

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