Getting started with card tricks

Apr 19, 2010
Which trick would be better to perform for an amateur, Be Kind Change (also included: Be Kind Vanish) by Tony Chang, or DVR by Tony Chang? I know a couple other card tricks already but would be interested in which trick usually causes the greatest reaction from the audience. Also, which trick is harder to learn/master.

Edit: Correction on title and credits of tricks from Be Kind Chang to Be Kind Change (also included: Be Kind Vanish)
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Oct 29, 2009
Just around
Which trick would be better to perform for an amateur, Be Kind Change (also included: Be Kind Vanish) by Tony Chang, or DVR by Tony Chang? I know a couple other card tricks already but would be interested in which trick usually causes the greatest reaction from the audience. Also, which trick is harder to learn/master.

Edit: Correction on title and credits of tricks from Be Kind Chang to Be Kind Change (also included: Be Kind Vanish)
If you are almost a complete beginner, I would recommend neither. I don't know the mechanics of the Be Kind Change (want to get it eventually though) but I do know how DVR works, and it would probably be a bit too much to handle for a beginner. I would suggest getting either a DVD or a book on the basics of card magic. Check out Royal Road to Card Magic (don't have it but have only heard good things about it) and also check out Card College 1. It's a great source on the basics of card magic.

A little more info on what you know and can do in card magic would help us to help you:). Would you mind telling us a bit more? Thanks.

Feb 16, 2009
South Bend, IN
If you are really a beginner in card magic, you should not be focused on individual tricks. First try and make sure your fundamentals are strong before you try to master the harder stuff. Learn to walk before you can run.

Any beginner will benefit from Royal Road to card magic or the first two volumes of the card college series. They teach many fundamental sleights and prepare you for more advanced stuff. The tricks given might not seem as cool as Tony Chang's material, but there are many powerful effects in those books.
Apr 19, 2010
Check out Royal Road to Card Magic (don't have it but have only heard good things about it) and also check out Card College 1. It's a great source on the basics of card magic.

A little more info on what you know and can do in card magic would help us to help you:). Would you mind telling us a bit more? Thanks.

I'll check out those books, thanks! I appreciate the help I recieved and when I get better I hope I can pass it on. :D
Can anyone point me in the right direction on a trusted source to buy the book(s) from?
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I got RRTCM from Amazon. Card College can be purchased from a few places, Hocus-Pocus, Ellusionist, etc. Just google search them and find the best prices.
Dec 18, 2009
I'll check out those books, thanks! I appreciate the help I recieved and when I get better I hope I can pass it on. :D
Can anyone point me in the right direction on a trusted source to buy the book(s) from?

Both can be found on I should also mention that Royal Road is only 10$! I also recommend Close Up Card Magic by Harry Lorayne and for selfworking stuff get Scarne On Card Tricks. Good luck.
Jul 1, 2009
Go with the Royal Road to Card Magic. You will be set for your journey. You can buy it at only 10 bucks! What a steal!


Tony Chang / Creator, Be Kind Change, DVR, The Uni
Elite Member
Sep 1, 2007
royal road to card magic if you feel like a badass. But now a days, card college. trust me.
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