I saw this dispute on the topic by bamagic on his effect, as to whether the use of a duplicated card with a signature was in fact considered a gimmick, or a gaff. Well, what defines these two? I only ask because i had a similar run in while i was watching a supposedly "ungimmmicked".....Dream of Aces i believe. And after the trick was performed, which was so-so in itself, he proceeded to explain the effect, and i thought i had already figured it out, which he confirmed saying that you would need a second set of aces for the trick. Is using a second set of aces considered a gaff or gimmick? I think it is, or doing effects like an ungimmicked Mcdonalds aces just wouldn't be as impressive. So you tell me, what do you set the bar at for gaffs and gimmicks, what are the bare examples?