GOAT Change / Carolina Change

Mar 12, 2009
I do know how this trick works, but I am not very good at it....does anyone have any tips on how I can improve it? I have a hard time striking the card.....I may buy the DVD or what ever on how to do it... but just wondering if anyone had any good tips!
Jan 28, 2009
Yeah the GOAT change and the Carolina click have totally different methods. Palmer posted a tutorial for the Carolina click to show that it was a different method. He came to it independently, but also points out that he doubts he's the only one to have come up with the Carolina Click concept.

GOAT works totally differently, and by the problem you're having....it would indicate that you're not doing either correctly, lol.

They're both cool changes, but neither of them are worth buying a DVD for. There are plenty of other things you should be thinking about other than a colour change when buying a DVD.
Mar 12, 2009
Ok thanks for that info would you mind giving me a PM on how to do the GOAT change ( I would hate to blow a secret in a forum post) I could not find how....what I am doing is the carolina click (the only one I could find out on how to do)
Aug 18, 2008
Ok thanks for that info would you mind giving me a PM on how to do the GOAT change ( I would hate to blow a secret in a forum post) I could not find how....what I am doing is the carolina click (the only one I could find out on how to do)

That would be exposure. If you want to learn the goat change you have to buy the andthensome DVD.
Jan 28, 2009
That would be exposure. If you want to learn the goat change you have to buy the andthensome DVD.

Beat me to it. No one is going to PM you a move on this forum, least of all a D&D move. They're too respected. Show some respect. You want to learn their move because you really like it? then show your appreciation to the artist and PAY them for it. Buy AndThenSome.

What I meant by don't buy a AndThenSome for the GOAT change was that there's a bunch of other stuff on there that's really good, in fact better than GOAT.
Mar 15, 2009
orlando F.l
Goat change

i think that the goat change is one of the best color changes ever it looks visual and impressive. also the Ego change by Daniel Garcia.. really good danny like always creating new magic and hard hitting magic.:p
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
i think that the goat change is one of the best color changes ever it looks visual and impressive. also the Ego change by Daniel Garcia.. really good danny like always creating new magic and hard hitting magic.:p

...No comment.

Obviously, buy the DVD so you can get the original explanation - rarely does it happen that anyone explains better than the creator, and certainly this is true of exposure.

Second tip: practice more. Play with it. This is one reason I prefer books over DVDs. Too many people trying to copy exactly what's on the DVD, because they have a visual they can copy. In a book, you have to play around with the move, figure out what works for you. Ultimately, it's the latter approach that will be the most beneficial and will expeditiously improve your learning.

And just to complete the information given above, as a side note:

Ok, to clear this up:

The GOAT Change is different from the Carolina Click Change.

The GOAT Change is the Buck's change, on andthensome.

The Carolina Click Change is a different change created by nfpalmer, which looks similar but has a different method as well as different pros and cons. There was a tutorial for this change a little while ago. This change was originally created as an alternate ending to a Tyler Wilson effect.
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