Good Card Trick

Sep 7, 2010
Hey everyone,

I just want to say hello first seeing as I am new to the forums aside from reading them.

I was wondering which card tricks you guys would recommend that are either beginner or intermediate that are hard hitting and produce a good reaction. I bought the biddle trick, and I love it :).

Thanks everyone,

Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Hi Matthew,

Welcome to the forum!

Well, first off, this probably isn't the answer you're expecting, but I've recently made a lot of posts about this subject: tricks aren't hard hitting in and of themselves. It's all about what you make it - what you put into it, whether the trick works for you, and so forth. The magician makes a trick hard hitting, not the trick! The magician gets the reaction. So you should look for things that work for you - not that work for other people. I've written a lot more about this in other topics, but for now I'll leave that there.

For an actual physical suggestion though, try picking up Harry Lorayne's Close-Up Card Magic. It's a wonderful book from a wonderful magician.
Sep 7, 2010
Thanks for the reply.

I understand where your coming from. Presentation makes the trick better and if the trick doesnt fit with the magician, then the presentation probably wont fit either.
Feb 17, 2010
Moscow, Russia
Thanks for the reply.

I understand where your coming from. Presentation makes the trick better and if the trick doesnt fit with the magician, then the presentation probably wont fit either.
If the trick doest fits you, if you do not like the idea and method and you have not put any work into practice, then, well, it's fail. Otherwise it is a big win.
back to the question...

There's a few tricks/changes that I do that are very hard hitting when done properly.

Erdnase Colour Change

Two Card Monte

Topsy Turvy


Wink Change

''Mindreading'' aka, a force

Biddle Trick

The trick that cannot be explained

That's all I can think of at the moment.

Hope that helps!

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