Good Coin shell?

Dec 12, 2010
Anyone know of a fairly inexpensive, but good quality expanded half shell? Thanks!
Aug 17, 2010
Usually "inexpensive" and "good quality" are mutually exclusive!

That being said, Johnson is not bad at all for the price.
A reasonable shell such as a Tango or Johnson will do for most purposes, even with spectators burning your hands. If you hold them with a relaxed hand, the folds of your hand will cover any tell-tale signs.

I have a couple of Schoolcraft sets. They're invisible and beautifully made, but expensive. Most people don't need such a high quality shell, it's more for the pleasure of owning something so perfect.
Feb 22, 2012
The rules are available online, so all you really need is a set of pieces with enough variety to keep things interesting.
May 23, 2010
My first shell was expanded Tango Half Dollar and yes it's cheap but so is the quality. I don't know if it's got better since I got mine two years ago. Recently I got expanded Johnson Eisenhower Dollar and it was 52$ compared to Tango's 36$. Johnson shell quality is much better than Tango in my mind.
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