i have been doing cardistry for awhile, and i decided to go back to card magic. Mainly because everybody think i am just a show off who don't know nothing about magic.
What would be a good dvd, video or even book(i hate reading) for a guy like me.
i have everything on theory 11, ellusionist, and dananddave,d+m.
i also have paper engine. stuff by brian tudor, and serveral penguin video,and deren brown card stuff.
i almost perfected the trick i like from those places.
i like trick with not that much set up, by that i mean on gimmick, unless it is a really really really really good trick.
i know i am picky and i thank you for reading this.
What would be a good dvd, video or even book(i hate reading) for a guy like me.
i have everything on theory 11, ellusionist, and dananddave,d+m.
i also have paper engine. stuff by brian tudor, and serveral penguin video,and deren brown card stuff.
i almost perfected the trick i like from those places.
i like trick with not that much set up, by that i mean on gimmick, unless it is a really really really really good trick.
i know i am picky and i thank you for reading this.
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