I have a big show on stage next friday for my school. There is going to be about 200-500 people there and i need 1 good prop I can make myself. Any suggestions?
I have a big show on stage next friday for my school. There is going to be about 200-500 people there and i need 1 good prop I can make myself. Any suggestions?
I have a big show on stage next friday for my school. There is going to be about 200-500 people there and i need 1 good prop I can make myself. Any suggestions?
for the stage criss' levitation has perfect angles.
if you want a full routine that is cheap easy and always works and gets great reactions I would pick up PreThoughts by Banachek.
With all due respect to the previous posters, I'm pretty sure a weeks worth of practice on a single effect would pass for some kids in a school.
In some cases, yes.
But not to Build & Constuct, Learn the Method, and Perfect something such as a Stage Illusion.
They are usually quiet large, and will also cost quiet a bit of money to construct.
No way can it be done well.
We are giving him REAL ADVICE.