Green Master File

Mar 21, 2011
Hi im new here and i already bought the odd card and i honestly couldnt understand what he was saying. After a while i figured it out and got it. So before i buy this i want to know if it costs so much because it comes with like, a rosetta stone guide on understanding him. If so then i would love to have more of his work. Its alot of money to invest you know?


Elite Member
Dec 9, 2010
United States
I find him perfectly understandable, but maybe that's just me. His accent didn't take me too long to overcome. It comes with time.
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Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Lennart Green's primary language is Swedish, so you'd have to understand that his English isn't the best. Still, you're getting high impact, powerful magic from the Master File regardless. If you were able to understand and learn the Mirror Count, you should be able to learn everything else on the Master File. :)
Nov 2, 2007
I have no trouble understanding him. I would assume someone who has english as their native language would definitely not have a problem.

Also it's a bit weird that it's not an act cause he travels the world, he should be better at english. I almost never speak english and I have more fluent english than him. But his bad english(which isn't THAT BAD) is great cause it really adds to his performance when he fumbles around with the cards creating miracles.
Nov 9, 2010
I have no trouble understanding him. I would assume someone who has english as their native language would definitely not have a problem.

Also it's a bit weird that it's not an act cause he travels the world, he should be better at english. I almost never speak english and I have more fluent english than him. But his bad english(which isn't THAT BAD) is great cause it really adds to his performance when he fumbles around with the cards creating miracles.

You have to keep in mind that Lennart is turning 69 this year, and the older generations aren't as good with languages in general as the younger generations are. I'd say for a non-english speaker of his age he is quite good.
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