Hand Exercises

Mar 6, 2008
Walla Walla WA
I have just started doing XCM and every DVD has hand exercises on it. So i tried them and they help. the crazy thing is that I am a writer and they have help with my typing as well. My speed is faster and I can type longer before my hands start to hurt. I thought was cool and had to share. I was wondering has magic or XCM help with other things in your life.


Mar 6, 2008
*wink* *wink*
but seriously...
i can open jars of pickles like its _nobody's_ business
Dec 11, 2007
Lebanon, Bierut

xcm makes the muscles of your hand stronger and magic improves ur social skills since your having a conversation with a stranger and this will be beneficial for you in the future......hope u understood:confused:
Oct 8, 2007
I don't do much XCM but the excercise you get when doing XCM and magic will onaturally have good effects on your hands and your dexterity. Stronger and faster hands and better hand-eye coordination are always useful.

Going beyond simple hand excercises, magic has made me more confident and it has helped me when talking to other people. You develop your social skills along the way as well. The fact that people are entertained at what I do and that they always look forward to my performances give me a good feeling.

There are too many benefits to mention. I just do what I love to do. :)
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