Harbor Change in Ambitious Card Routine

Nov 29, 2008
I use it in my ACR although I don't use ti as an ending. I think it works quite well with the ambitous card theme and it pretty much flies right by. I have fried a magician or two with that move so far.
Sep 1, 2007
Yes it could indeed work in an ACR, but its certainly not an ending move. If you stop and think about it though, the use of colour changes in an ACR is muddling the effect; the effect should be that the card rises through all the other cards to the top of the deck. When you use a colour change, the top card of the deck is changing to the ambitious card - a subtle change in the actual effect.

The way I see it, I have other tricks where I get to use colour changes in a way that builds and reinforces the effect, rather than confusing it - so I use my colour changes there and let my ambitious card routine BE an ambitious card routine!

Jul 1, 2009
One of the applications of the harbor change works wondeful with a ACR. I use the change a couple of times and get some wonderful reactions.


creator / <a href="http://www.theory11.com/tricks/
Nov 21, 2009
Sacramento, Cali
Hey guys...
Just wanna chime in here.
For MY ACR, here is what I do:
I have a dup card with the date pre-signed on it. I have the same card forced and I write the date on it, (the exact same spot as the dup). I take a second to think, and then have them write their name on it.
I do my phases of the ACR, and then for the last phase, I control dup card second from bottom, with their signed card as the face card. So from the bottom of the deck, their signed card followed by the dup card.
Harbor Change to take their signature OFF the card, leaving behind only the date...and then YOU sign THAT card to leave for them as a gift.

Hope this helps...this is an actual way to END an ACR... :)

Dec 16, 2009
Davenport Iowa
harbor change

why not use the harbor change as a transpo effect....idea time...
you place a blank faced card in card box spectator picks signs card and do the move card turns blank and ends up in the box
Dec 5, 2009
Yes it could indeed work in an ACR, but its certainly not an ending move. If you stop and think about it though, the use of colour changes in an ACR is muddling the effect; the effect should be that the card rises through all the other cards to the top of the deck. When you use a colour change, the top card of the deck is changing to the ambitious card - a subtle change in the actual effect.

The way I see it, I have other tricks where I get to use colour changes in a way that builds and reinforces the effect, rather than confusing it - so I use my colour changes there and let my ambitious card routine BE an ambitious card routine!


Here are my thoughts on the subject, they may be wrong:
You can change the way your spectator looks at a color change, and make him/her think their card is "rising" through the other cards, instead of one changing into another. That way your Ambitious Card routine can BE an Ambitious Card routine.

Jan 5, 2010
Sunderland, UK
As an ending to an ACR, you could control the AC to second from bottom.

"It's not on the top... Hmmm, it's not on the bottom either."

Pause and let the spectator take this in.

"Maybe it's not that ambitious after all". Pause again making sure they see the indifferent card on the bottom of the deck.

Hunch your shoulders and do the harbour change and throw the deck on the table leaving the ambitious card in full view. You should have plenty of time to ditch the indifferent card while they are taking in this very visual appearance of the ambitious card (e.g. take your time and get your empty box to put the cards away).

That should be a good ending to an ACR that should be a really good climax. I might even try this myself ha

PS: First post, but I've been thinking about this move for a while as an ending to ACR. I joined just to add this
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Sep 1, 2007
Here are my thoughts on the subject, they may be wrong:
You can change the way your spectator looks at a color change, and make him/her think their card is "rising" through the other cards, instead of one changing into another. That way your Ambitious Card routine can BE an Ambitious Card routine.


I see what you're getting at. I still feel that, strictly from an academic point of view, its going to be difficult to change what the spectator experiences when they look at a colour change; they are techniques designed, at their heart, to LOOK like one card changing into another. If you want to show the card rising then there's a number of "raise rise" style techniques out there that do the job a lot better, because THAT was their primary function.

And, which was really the main thrust of my argument before, why not save the colour changes for a routine in which they fit naturally? In this, I think my favourite magic-related quote is most appropriate: "Just because you CAN, doesn't mean that you SHOULD"

Dec 5, 2009
I see what you're getting at. I still feel that, strictly from an academic point of view, its going to be difficult to change what the spectator experiences when they look at a colour change; they are techniques designed, at their heart, to LOOK like one card changing into another. If you want to show the card rising then there's a number of "raise rise" style techniques out there that do the job a lot better, because THAT was their primary function.

And, which was really the main thrust of my argument before, why not save the colour changes for a routine in which they fit naturally? In this, I think my favourite magic-related quote is most appropriate: "Just because you CAN, doesn't mean that you SHOULD"


I also understand your point of view. This is really a gray area. It can go either way, and it really depends on the style of the performer. And as I said, I may be wrong, I probably am.

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